Saturday, September 24, 2011

My little pony

Hey. So I just finished watching the second episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is magic season two. It was awesome! I'm looking forword to Phoebe's next post too. ( That Girl Has A Gift. ) Um..... Oh ya. I made a mosaic today. For those of you who are thinking What is a mosaic? A mosaic is well..... you'll find that out in the next post or so OR you could use the magical thing that makes the world go round.   
ya I ♥ Google      And also about the season two episode 2 thing. I felt REALLY bad for Spike. He looked like he was really in pain from burping up all those letters from princess celstia. AND did anyone think that was kinda weird from the begining?    Poor Spike. 
I chose this one because, didn't he need to rest after all of that? Um.........................................................?
O.k. now what? oh ya. I found this yesterday and I LOVE it. I could look at this for HOURS! I also found this.
 which makes sense because I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ WARRIORS!!!!!!! so ya I guess that's it for today ♦Melody♦ out.


  1. Hey Melody! so you asked about PMV's on my youtube channel... (i just thought id be easier to tell u on here) so its actually pretty simple :) you just download the episodes, then upload the songs from your ipod onto your computer! and if you dont have an ipod im sure theirs some other way you can download songs. Then you use Movie Maker or some sort of program to do as Photo Finish would say.. "The Magics!!" XD
    anyway im so glad you like my PMV's! ^_^ hope you can get into it too!


  2. aww thanks for saying i have a gift! ^_^ that made my day :)

  3. your welcome and thanks. I FINALLY made a picture of me as a cat and I have a picture of it so I can post it, btw you REALLY DO HAVE A GIFT for ... ART. and thanks for the PMV how to info. I'm going to try to make one. Rock on - ♦Melody♦
