Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Two worlds, One song - Chapter 6 - Prisim Flower

 "Ash is... Going to be fine."A smile instantly lit up on Melody's face. "Can I see him?""Um... Sure. that's fine by me." Soon, she was in the room. "Ash! You are alright!" "Melody..? Why are you... *cough cough cough!*""Hey, It's O.k. No one is gonna hurt you. I need some advise. Now, Do Not freak out. Me and some ponies from another world have Shadow Master's soul in a jar and we need to know were the Prisim Flower is. O.k?" "WHAT!?!" he was coughing up a storm until Melody calmed him."It's O.k. It's O.k. Calm down." Ash stopped coughing. "Now once again Don't Freak Out. But I really do need to know were it is. Do you know, Mr. "Chosen One?" "It is said that the Prisim Flower is found in this riddle:
                       Once seeled in a cave of anger, the Prisim Flower is now in a place of laughter. Hidden amoung angel tears. Did I help?" Melody smiled, "Yes, yes you did. Now let's see what I can do about that wound." Melody opened a window to let the sunshine in. "Pokemon, Healing..." She took ing the sunshine and place her whooves gently on a bottle. "...Shinshine!" Now the bottle filled with a yellow liquid that sparkled. "Drink." she comanded. Ash did as told and was healed with the last drop. Meanwile...
 "It's great that Ash is alright.-" "-But why was Melody so upset?" "She can get that way sometimes. It's just how she was made, is all." "Alright...I present to you... Ash Ketum of Pallet Town!" "WHA...... HOW WHY WHAT THE... Do I wanna know?" Melody shruged. Before long they said there good byes and were off."Were are we going?""Well, the first thing is that to seel Shadow master away forever, we need to solve this riddle. Which just so happens to be the only clue to were the Prisim Flower is.""The prisim flower? What's that?" "The Prisim Flower is said to be a magical flower with the power of 5 wishes. We need to find it so that we can use a wish to seel Shadow Master's spirit away forever; It's the only thing strong enough to seel it away properly." "YEE-HAA! Then let's go and get it!" Applejack, and all the others, were willing to go; but Melody was sure that something would happen. Something good, I hope, she thought. "The only clue to were it is is this, Once seeled in a cave of anger, the Prisim Flower is now hidden among angel tears in a place of laghter. Step 1:   Go to the "cave of anger" But were , or what, is that anyways?" " When I am angery I think of water.""How will that help us?""Maybe the water she thinks of will put out the fire she started when she was angery.""PINKIE PIE! Your amazing!""I am?""Yes! I know a place, more like a cave, that is always hot. Ponies say that it is because some-pony's anger never left the cave when they did! -" Twilight understood now, how anger and fire were the same. "Thus making a cave of fire!" "Were is it?" Pinweel forest, follow me!"
                                                             IN PINWEEL FOREST...

"O.k... Now if this is north than that is south, so...""Are we...""LOST!?!?""I'm sure Melody has everything under control, right?""Any-pony know were we are?!""Well... um..""Dirt! DIRT! Yaaaaa!!!!!!!!""Melody, You do know were we are, don't you?""Hahah, lalala...""I'm sorry every-pony, but-
We're Lost!!!"
 So that's all for now - ♦Melody♦   


  1. nice story so far Melody! chapter 3 of mine should be up very soon!! :D

  2. Thats great Phoebe. I cAn'T wait...

    But I'll HAVE too. - Melody
    (Sugarswirl when I get mindcraft :) )

  3. your getting minecraft?! thats aweosme! :D im gonna talk about how im doing in the game in my next post :) btw chapter 3 is up! yay ^_^

  4. YAY!!! It's AWESOME btw, Yep. if my dad gets it for me on 12/11 (My b-day)
    Luv the story
